
The GLU library implementation via ctypes


gluBeginCurve( nurb )
gluBeginCurve( POINTER(GLUnurbs)(nurb) ) -> None
gluBeginPolygon( tess )
gluBeginPolygon( POINTER(GLUtesselator)(tess) ) -> None
gluBeginSurface( nurb )
gluBeginSurface( POINTER(GLUnurbs)(nurb) ) -> None
gluBeginTrim( nurb )
gluBeginTrim( POINTER(GLUnurbs)(nurb) ) -> None
gluBuild1DMipmapLevels( target , internalFormat , width , format , type , level , base , max , data ) -> <class 'ctypes.c_int'>
gluBuild1DMipmapLevels( GLenum(target), GLint(internalFormat), GLsizei(width), GLenum(format), GLenum(type), GLint(level), GLint(base), GLint(max), c_void_p(data) ) -> GLint
gluBuild1DMipmaps( target , internalFormat , width , format , type , data ) -> <class 'ctypes.c_int'>
gluBuild1DMipmaps( GLenum(target), GLint(internalFormat), GLsizei(width), GLenum(format), GLenum(type), c_void_p(data) ) -> GLint
gluBuild2DMipmapLevels( target , internalFormat , width , height , format , type , level , base , max , data ) -> <class 'ctypes.c_int'>
gluBuild2DMipmapLevels( GLenum(target), GLint(internalFormat), GLsizei(width), GLsizei(height), GLenum(format), GLenum(type), GLint(level), GLint(base), GLint(max), c_void_p(data) ) -> GLint
gluBuild2DMipmaps( target , internalFormat , width , height , format , type , data ) -> <class 'ctypes.c_int'>
gluBuild2DMipmaps( GLenum(target), GLint(internalFormat), GLsizei(width), GLsizei(height), GLenum(format), GLenum(type), c_void_p(data) ) -> GLint
gluBuild3DMipmapLevels( target , internalFormat , width , height , depth , format , type , level , base , max , data ) -> <class 'ctypes.c_int'>
gluBuild3DMipmapLevels( GLenum(target), GLint(internalFormat), GLsizei(width), GLsizei(height), GLsizei(depth), GLenum(format), GLenum(type), GLint(level), GLint(base), GLint(max), c_void_p(data) ) -> GLint
gluBuild3DMipmaps( target , internalFormat , width , height , depth , format , type , data ) -> <class 'ctypes.c_int'>
gluBuild3DMipmaps( GLenum(target), GLint(internalFormat), GLsizei(width), GLsizei(height), GLsizei(depth), GLenum(format), GLenum(type), c_void_p(data) ) -> GLint
gluCheckExtension( extName , extString ) -> <class 'ctypes.c_ubyte'>
gluCheckExtension( arrays.GLubyteArray(extName), arrays.GLubyteArray(extString) ) -> GLboolean
gluCylinder( quad , base , top , height , slices , stacks )
gluCylinder( POINTER(GLUquadric)(quad), GLdouble(base), GLdouble(top), GLdouble(height), GLint(slices), GLint(stacks) ) -> None
gluDeleteNurbsRenderer( nurb )
gluDeleteNurbsRenderer( POINTER(GLUnurbs)(nurb) ) -> None
gluDeleteQuadric( quad )
gluDeleteQuadric( POINTER(GLUquadric)(quad) ) -> None
gluDeleteTess( tess )
gluDeleteTess( POINTER(GLUtesselator)(tess) ) -> None
gluDisk( quad , inner , outer , slices , loops )
gluDisk( POINTER(GLUquadric)(quad), GLdouble(inner), GLdouble(outer), GLint(slices), GLint(loops) ) -> None
gluEndCurve( nurb )
gluEndCurve( POINTER(GLUnurbs)(nurb) ) -> None
gluEndPolygon( tess )
gluEndPolygon( POINTER(GLUtesselator)(tess) ) -> None
gluEndSurface( nurb )
gluEndSurface( POINTER(GLUnurbs)(nurb) ) -> None
gluEndTrim( nurb )
gluEndTrim( POINTER(GLUnurbs)(nurb) ) -> None
gluErrorString( error ) -> <class 'ctypes.c_char_p'>
gluErrorString( GLenum(error) ) -> POINTER(GLubyte)
gluGetNurbsProperty( nurb , property , data )
gluGetNurbsProperty( POINTER(GLUnurbs)(nurb), GLenum(property), arrays.GLfloatArray(data) ) -> None
gluGetString( name ) -> <class 'ctypes.c_char_p'>
gluGetString( GLenum(name) ) -> POINTER(GLubyte)
gluGetTessProperty( tess , which , data = None )
Retrieve single double for a tessellator property
gluLoadSamplingMatrices( nurb , model , perspective , view )
gluLoadSamplingMatrices( POINTER(GLUnurbs)(nurb), arrays.GLfloatArray(model), arrays.GLfloatArray(perspective), arrays.GLintArray(view) ) -> None
gluLookAt( eyeX , eyeY , eyeZ , centerX , centerY , centerZ , upX , upY , upZ )
gluLookAt( GLdouble(eyeX), GLdouble(eyeY), GLdouble(eyeZ), GLdouble(centerX), GLdouble(centerY), GLdouble(centerZ), GLdouble(upX), GLdouble(upY), GLdouble(upZ) ) -> None
gluNewNurbsRenderer( ) -> <class 'OpenGL.GLU.glunurbs.LP_GLUnurbs'>
Return a new nurbs renderer for the system (dereferences pointer)
gluNextContour( tess , type )
gluNextContour( POINTER(GLUtesselator)(tess), GLenum(type) ) -> None
gluNurbsCallbackData( nurb , userData )
Note the Python object for use as userData by the nurb
gluNurbsCallbackDataEXT( nurb , userData )
Note the Python object for use as userData by the nurb
gluNurbsCurve( nurb , knots , control , type )
Pythonic version of gluNurbsCurve
Calculates knotCount, stride, and order automatically
gluNurbsProperty( nurb , property , value )
gluNurbsProperty( POINTER(GLUnurbs)(nurb), GLenum(property), GLfloat(value) ) -> None
gluNurbsSurface( nurb , sKnots , tKnots , control , type )
Pythonic version of gluNurbsSurface
Calculates knotCount, stride, and order automatically
gluOrtho2D( left , right , bottom , top )
gluOrtho2D( GLdouble(left), GLdouble(right), GLdouble(bottom), GLdouble(top) ) -> None
gluPartialDisk( quad , inner , outer , slices , loops , start , sweep )
gluPartialDisk( POINTER(GLUquadric)(quad), GLdouble(inner), GLdouble(outer), GLint(slices), GLint(loops), GLdouble(start), GLdouble(sweep) ) -> None
gluPerspective( fovy , aspect , zNear , zFar )
gluPerspective( GLdouble(fovy), GLdouble(aspect), GLdouble(zNear), GLdouble(zFar) ) -> None
gluPickMatrix( x , y , delX , delY , viewport )
gluPickMatrix( GLdouble(x), GLdouble(y), GLdouble(delX), GLdouble(delY), arrays.GLintArray(viewport) ) -> None
gluProject( objX , objY , objZ , model = None , proj = None , view = None ) -> <class 'ctypes.c_int'>
Convenience wrapper for gluProject
Automatically fills in the model, projection and viewing matrices if not provided.
returns (winX,winY,winZ) doubles
gluPwlCurve( nurb , data , type )
piece-wise linear curve within GLU context
the data-array
determines number of elements/data-point
gluQuadricDrawStyle( quad , draw )
gluQuadricDrawStyle( POINTER(GLUquadric)(quad), GLenum(draw) ) -> None
gluQuadricNormals( quad , normal )
gluQuadricNormals( POINTER(GLUquadric)(quad), GLenum(normal) ) -> None
gluQuadricOrientation( quad , orientation )
gluQuadricOrientation( POINTER(GLUquadric)(quad), GLenum(orientation) ) -> None
gluQuadricTexture( quad , texture )
gluQuadricTexture( POINTER(GLUquadric)(quad), GLboolean(texture) ) -> None
gluScaleImage( format , wIn , hIn , typeIn , dataIn , wOut , hOut , typeOut , dataOut ) -> <class 'ctypes.c_int'>
gluScaleImage( GLenum(format), GLsizei(wIn), GLsizei(hIn), GLenum(typeIn), c_void_p(dataIn), GLsizei(wOut), GLsizei(hOut), GLenum(typeOut), POINTER(GLvoid)(dataOut) ) -> GLint
gluSphere( quad , radius , slices , stacks )
gluSphere( POINTER(GLUquadric)(quad), GLdouble(radius), GLint(slices), GLint(stacks) ) -> None
gluTessBeginContour( tess )
gluTessBeginContour( POINTER(GLUtesselator)(tess) ) -> None
gluTessEndContour( tess )
gluTessEndContour( POINTER(GLUtesselator)(tess) ) -> None
gluTessEndPolygon( tess )
gluTessEndPolygon( POINTER(GLUtesselator)(tess) ) -> None
gluTessNormal( tess , valueX , valueY , valueZ )
gluTessNormal( POINTER(GLUtesselator)(tess), GLdouble(valueX), GLdouble(valueY), GLdouble(valueZ) ) -> None
gluTessProperty( tess , which , data )
gluTessProperty( POINTER(GLUtesselator)(tess), GLenum(which), GLdouble(data) ) -> None
gluUnProject( winX , winY , winZ , model = None , proj = None , view = None ) -> <class 'ctypes.c_int'>
Convenience wrapper for gluUnProject
Automatically fills in the model, projection and viewing matrices if not provided.
returns (objX,objY,objZ) doubles
gluUnProject4( winX , winY , winZ , clipW , model = None , proj = None , view = None , near = 0.0 , far = 1.0 ) -> <class 'ctypes.c_int'>
Convenience wrapper for gluUnProject
Automatically fills in the model, projection and viewing matrices if not provided.
returns (objX,objY,objZ) doubles
