
compute a one- or two-dimensional grid of points or lines


glEvalMesh( )->
glEvalMesh1( GLenum ( mode ) , GLint ( i1 ) , GLint ( i2 ) )-> void
glEvalMesh1( mode , i1 , i2 )
glEvalMesh2( GLenum ( mode ) , GLint ( i1 ) , GLint ( i2 ) , GLint ( j1 ) , GLint ( j2 ) )-> void
glEvalMesh2( mode , i1 , i2 , j1 , j2 )


In glEvalMesh1 , specifies whether to compute a one-dimensional mesh of points or lines. Symbolic constants GL_POINT and GL_LINE are accepted.
i1, i2
Specify the first and last integer values for grid domain variable i .

Sample Code References

The following code samples have been found which appear to reference the functions described here. Take care that the code may be old, broken or not even use PyOpenGL.

OpenGLContext tests/ Lines: 57
OpenGLContext tests/ Lines: 72
OpenGL-Demo PyOpenGL-Demo/dek/ Lines: 94

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