
map window coordinates to object coordinates


gluUnProject( GLdouble ( winX ) , GLdouble ( winY ) , GLdouble ( winZ ) , const GLdouble * ( model ) , const GLdouble * ( proj ) , const GLint * ( view ) , GLdouble* ( objX ) , GLdouble* ( objY ) , GLdouble* ( objZ ) )-> GLint
gluUnProject( winX , winY , winZ , model , proj , view , objX , objY , objZ ) -> <class 'ctypes.c_int'>
Convenience wrapper for gluUnProject
    Automatically fills in the model, projection and viewing matrices
    if not provided.
    returns (objX,objY,objZ) doubles
gluUnProject4( winX , winY , winZ , clipW , model , proj , view , nearVal , farVal , objX , objY , objZ , objW ) -> <class 'ctypes.c_int'>
Convenience wrapper for gluUnProject
    Automatically fills in the model, projection and viewing matrices
    if not provided.
    returns (objX,objY,objZ) doubles


winX, winY, winZ
Specify the window coordinates to be mapped.
Specifies the modelview matrix (as from a glGetDoublev call).
Specifies the projection matrix (as from a glGetDoublev call).
Specifies the viewport (as from a glGetIntegerv call).
objX, objY, objZ
Returns the computed object coordinates.

Sample Code References

The following code samples have been found which appear to reference the functions described here. Take care that the code may be old, broken or not even use PyOpenGL.

OpenGLContext OpenGLContext/events/ Lines: 108