Depth-map Shadows: ARB Shadow on the Back Buffer
#! /usr/bin/env python
import OpenGL
from OpenGLContext import testingcontext
BaseContext = testingcontext.getInteractive()
from OpenGLContext.scenegraph.basenodes import *
from OpenGL.GL import *
from OpenGL.GLU import *
from OpenGL.GL.ARB.depth_texture import *
from OpenGL.GL.ARB.shadow import *
from OpenGLContext.arrays import (
array, sin, cos, pi, dot, transpose,
from import Timer
OpenGLContext's "flat" render pass can be used to produce a rendering
of just the geometry of the scene. We'll use that feature to render our
geometry multiple times. The overall rendering pass which calls our
Context's Render method is *also* a flat render pass, but it doesn't do
much in this case save providing our frame-rate counter and allowing us
to walk around in the world.
from OpenGLContext.passes import flatcompat as flat
class TestContext( BaseContext ):
"""Shadow rendering tutorial code"""
We're going to get up nice and close to our geometry in the
initial view
initialPosition = (.5,1,3)
If we set lightViewDebug we will keep the light's view in the context
rather than clearing the background before drawing the scene.
lightViewDebug = False
Scene Set Up
Our tutorial requires a number of OpenGL extensions. We're going
to test for these extensions using the glInit* functions. These are
PyOpenGL-2.x style queries which will return True if the extension is
available. PyOpenGL 3.x also allows you to do bool( entryPoint ) to
check if an entry point is available, but that does not allow you to
check for extensions which *only* define new constants.
def OnInit( self ):
"""Initialize the context with GL active"""
if not glInitShadowARB() or not glInitDepthTextureARB():
print 'Missing required extensions!'
sys.exit( testingcontext.REQUIRED_EXTENSION_MISSING )
Configure some parameters to make for nice shadows
at the expense of some extra calculations
We create the geometry for our scene in a method to allow
later tutorials to subclass and provide more interesting scenes.
self.geometry = self.createGeometry()
We'll use OpenGLContext's rendering passes to render the geometry
each time we need to do so...
self.geometryPasses = flat.FlatPass(self.geometry,self)
To make the demo a little more interesting, we're going to
animate the first light's position and direction. Here we're setting
up a raw Timer object. OpenGLContext scenegraph timers can't be used
as we're not using the scenegraph mechanisms.
self.time = Timer( duration = 8.0, repeating = 1 )
self.time.addEventHandler( "fraction", self.OnTimerFraction )
self.time.register (self)
self.time.start ()
Here are the lights we're going to use to cast shadows.
self.lights = self.createLights()
self.addEventHandler( "keypress", name="s", function = self.OnToggleTimer)
def createLights( self ):
"""Create the light's we're going to use to cast shadows"""
Our first tutorial can only handle "spotlights", so we'll limit
ourselves to those.
return [
location = [0,5,10],
color = [1,.95,.95],
intensity = 1,
ambientIntensity = 0.10,
direction = [0,-5,-10],
location = [3,3,3],
color = [.75,.75,1.0],
intensity = .5,
ambientIntensity = .05,
direction = [-3,-3,-3],
def createGeometry( self ):
"""Create a simple VRML scenegraph to be rendered with shadows"""
This simple scene is a Teapot and a tall thin box on a flat
box. It's not particularly exciting, but it does let us see the
shadows quite clearly.
return Transform(
children = [
translation = (0,-.38,0),
children = [
DEF = 'Floor',
geometry = Box( size=(5,.05,5)),
appearance = Appearance( material=Material(
diffuseColor = (.7,.7,.7),
shininess = .8,
ambientIntensity = .1,
translation = (0,0,0),
children = [
DEF = 'Tea',
geometry = Teapot( size = .5 ),
appearance = Appearance(
material = Material(
diffuseColor =( .5,1.0,.5 ),
ambientIntensity = .2,
shininess = .5,
translation = (2,3.62,0),
children = [
DEF = 'Pole',
geometry = Box( size=(.1,8,.1) ),
appearance = Appearance(
material = Material(
diffuseColor =( 1.0,0,0 ),
ambientIntensity = .4,
shininess = 0.0,
def OnTimerFraction( self, event ):
"""Update light position/direction"""
Every cycle we want to do a full rotation, and we want the
light to be 10 units from the y axis in the x,z plane.
All else is math.
light = self.lights[0]
a = event.fraction() * 2 * pi
xz = array( [
],'f') * 10 # radius
position = light.location
position[0] = xz[0]
position[2] = xz[1]
light.location = position
We point the light at the origin, mostly because it's easy.
light.direction = -position
def OnToggleTimer( self, event ):
"""Allow the user to pause/restart the timer."""
Overall Rendering Process
OpenGLContext does a lot of "boilerplate" setup code to establish
a perspective and model-view matrix, clear the background, and
generally get you to a "normal 3D rendering" setup before it calls
this method (Render). It will *not* call this method if we have
a scenegraph as, as then it will use to optimized "Flat"
rendering engine.
The overall process for the shadow rendering code looks like this:
- for each light, render a depth-texture and calculate a texture matrix
- restore the perspective and model-view matrices for the camera
- render the scene with only ambient lighting
- for each light, render the scene with diffuse and specular lighting with the depth-texture and texture matrix filtering the areas which are affected.
We only want to apply this process for the "normal diffuse" rendering
mode, not, for instance, for the mouse-selection passes or the
transparent rendering pass (transparent shadows will have to wait for
another tutorial).
def Render( self, mode):
assert mode
BaseContext.Render( self, mode )
self.geometryPasses.setViewPlatform( mode.viewPlatform )
if mode.visible and and not mode.transparent:
These settings tell us we are being asked to do a
regular opaque rendering pass (with lighting). This is
where we are going to do our shadow-rendering multi-pass.
shadowTokens = [
(light,self.renderLightTexture( light, mode ))
for light in self.lights[:self.lightViewDebug or len(self.lights)]
Since our depth buffer currently has the light's view rendered
into it, we need to clear it before we render our geometry from the
camera's viewpoint.
OpenGLContext's camera is represented by a "View Platform"
this camera's view has already been set up once during this
rendering pass, but our light-texture-rendering pass will have
reset the matrices to match the light's perspective.
The view platform object has a method to render the matrices
using regular OpenGL legacy calls (the "Flat" renderer calculates
and loads these values directly). We just call this method to
have the platform restore its state. The "identity" parameter
tells the platform to do a glLoadIdentity() call for each matrix
platform = self.getViewPlatform()
platform.render( identity = True )
We do our ambient rendering pass.
self.renderAmbient( mode )
Then we do the diffuse/specular lighting for our lights.
We want to make our "extra light" blend into the current light
reflected from the surfaces at 1:1 ratio, so we enable blending
before doing the diffuse/specular pass.
for i,(light,(texture,textureMatrix)) in enumerate(shadowTokens):
self.renderDiffuse( light, texture, textureMatrix, mode, id=i )
If we are *not* doing the shadowed opaque rendering pass,
just visit the "scenegraph" with our mode.
self.drawScene( mode, mode.getModelView() )
Let's get the simple part out of the way first; drawing the geometry.
OpenGLContext has two different rendering engines. One is an
optimized "Flat" renderer, and the other is a hierarchic "traversing"
renderer which uses a visitor pattern to traverse the scenegraph for
each pass. For our purposes, this slower traversing renderer is
sufficient, and is easily invoked.
def drawScene( self, mode, matrix ):
"""Draw our scene at current animation point"""
glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW )
glLoadMatrixf( matrix )
self.geometryPasses.renderGeometry( matrix )
Rendering Light Depth Texture
The depth texture is created by rendering the scene from the
point-of-view of the light. In this version of the tutorial,
we'll render the depth texture into the Context's regular
"back" buffer and then copy it into the texture.
offset = 1.0
def renderLightTexture( self, light, mode,direction=None, fov = None, textureKey = None ):
"""Render ourselves into a texture for the given light"""
We're going to render our scene into the depth buffer,
so we'll explicitly specify the depth operation. The use
of GL_LEQUAL means that we can rewrite the same geometry
to the depth buffer multiple times and (save for floating-point
artefacts), should see the geometry render each time.
Our setupShadowContext method will reset our viewport to match
the size of the depth-texture we're creating.
We invoke our setupShadowContext method to establish the
texture we'll use as our target. This tutorial is just going
to reset the viewport to a subset of the back-buffer (the regular
rendering target for OpenGL). Later tutorials will set up an
off-screen rendering target (a Frame Buffer Object) by overriding
this method-call.
texture = self.setupShadowContext(light,mode)
Setup Scene with Light as Camera
The algorithm requires us to set up the scene to render
from the point of view of our light. We're going to use
a pair of methods on the light to do the calculations.
These do the same calculations as "gluPerspective" for
the viewMatrix, and a pair of rotation,translation
transformations for the model-view matrix.
For VRML97 scenegraphs, this wouldn't be sufficient,
as we can have multiple lights, and lights can be children
of arbitrary Transforms, and can appear multiple times
within the same scenegraph.
We would have to calculate the matrices for each path that
leads to a light, not just for each light. The node-paths
have methods to retrieve their matrices, so we would simply
dot those matrices with the matrices we retrieve here.
The complexity of supporting these features doesn't
particularly suit an introductory tutorial.
if fov:
cutoff = fov /2.0
cutoff = None
lightView = light.viewMatrix(
cutoff, near=.3, far=30.0
lightModel = light.modelMatrix( direction=direction )
The texture matrix translates from camera eye-space into
light eye-space. See the original tutorial for an explanation
of how the mapping is done, and how it interacts with the
current projection matrix.
Things to observe about the calculation of the matrix compared
to the values in the original tutorial:
- we are explicitly taking the transpose of the result matrix
- the order of operations is the reverse of the calculations in the tutorial
- we take the transpose of the matrix so that matrix[0] is a row in the sense that the tutorial uses it
This pattern of reversing order-of-operations and taking the
transpose happens frequently in PyOpenGL when working with matrix
code from C sources.
A number of fixes to matrix multiply order came from
comparing results with
Ian Mallett's OpenGL Library v1.4
lightMatrix = dot( lightModel, lightView )
textureMatrix = transpose(
This is a bit wasteful, as we've already loaded our
projection and model-view matrices for our view-platform into
the GL. Real-world implementations would normally do the
light-rendering pass before doing their world-view setup.
We'll restore the platform values later on.
glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION )
glLoadMatrixf( lightView )
glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW )
glLoadMatrixf( lightModel )
Our geometryPasses object needs to have the same setup as the
mode (another FlatPass instance) which we are processing.
self.geometryPasses.matrix = lightModel
self.geometryPasses.modelView = lightModel
self.geometryPasses.projection = lightView
self.geometryPasses.viewport = mode.viewport
self.geometryPasses.context = self
self.geometryPasses.cache = mode.cache
Because we *only* care about the depth buffer, we can mask
out the color buffer entirely. We can use frustum-culling
to only render those objects which intersect with the light's
frustum (this is done automatically by the render-visiting code
we use for drawing).
The glColorMask call does not prevent OpenGL from ever
attempting to write to the color buffer, it just masks
regular drawing operations. A call to glClear() for
instance, could still clear the colour buffer.
if not self.lightViewDebug:
glColorMask( 0,0,0,0 )
We reconfigure the mode to tell the geometry to optimize its
rendering process, for instance by disabling normal
generation, and excluding color and texture information. = False
self.geometryPasses.textured = False
self.geometryPasses.visible = False
Offset Polygons to avoid Artefacts
We want to avoid depth-buffer artefacts where the front-face
appears to be ever-so-slightly behind itself due to multiplication
and transformation artefacts. The original tutorial uses
rendering of the *back* faces of objects into the depth buffer,
but with "open" geometry such as the Utah Teapot, we wind up with
nasty artefacts where e.g. the area on the body around the spout
isn't shadowed because there's no back-faces in front of it.
Even with the original approach, using a polygon offset will tend
to avoid "moire" effects in the shadows where precision issues
cause the depths in the buffer to pass back and forth across the
LEQUAL threshold as they cross the surface of the object.
To avoid these problems, we use a polygon-offset operation.
The first 1.0 gives us the raw fragment depth-value, the
second 1.0, the parameter "units" says to take 1.0
depth-buffer units and add it to the depth-value
from the previous step, making the depth buffer record values
1.0 units less than the geometry's natural value.
glPolygonOffset(1.0, self.offset)
Don't render front-faces, so that we avoid moire effects in
the rendering of shadows
glEnable( GL_CULL_FACE )
And now we draw our scene into the depth-buffer.
self.drawScene( mode, lightModel )
Our closeShadowContext will copy the current depth buffer
into our depth texture and deactivate the texture.
self.closeShadowContext( texture )
Return the configured texture into which we will render
return texture, textureMatrix
Restore "regular" rendering...
glShadeModel( GL_SMOOTH )
glDisable( GL_CULL_FACE )
glColorMask( 1,1,1,1 )
Now restore the viewport.
The setup of the bias matrix was discussed at some length in the original
tutorial. In sum, the depth-buffer is going to return values in the -1 to 1
range, while the texture has values in range 0-1. The bias matrix simply maps
from -1 to 1 to 0 to 1. We multiply this by the "raw" translation matrix
to get the final texture matrix which translates from camera eye coordinates
to texture clip coordinates.
BIAS_MATRIX = array([
[0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
[0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0],
[0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0],
[0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0],
], 'f')
Generating the Depth-Texture
Depth texture sizes can have a large effect on the quality
of the shadows produced. If your texture only has a couple of dozen
pixels covering a particular piece of geometry then the shadows on that
piece of geometry are going to be extremely pixelated. This is
particularly so if your light has a wide-angle cutoff. As more of the
scene is rendered into the texture, each object covers fewer pixels.
shadowMapSize = 512
textureCacheKey = 'shadowTexture'
def setupShadowContext( self, light=None, mode=None ):
"""Create a shadow-rendering context/texture"""
shadowMapSize = self.shadowMapSize
We don't want to re-generate the depth-texture for every frame,
so we want to keep a cached version of it around. OpenGLContext has
an explicit caching mechanism which allows us to check and store the
value easily. The cache can hold different elements for a single node,
so we use a cache key to specify that we're storing the shadow texture
for the node.
texture = mode.cache.getData(light,key=self.textureCacheKey)
if not texture:
We didn't find the texture in the cache, so we need to generate it.
We create a single texture and tell OpenGL to make it the current
2D texture.
texture = glGenTextures( 1 )
glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture )
The use of GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT here marks the use of the
ARB_depth_texture extension. The GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT constant
tells OpenGL to use the current OpenGL bit-depth as the format
for the texture. So if our context has a 16-bit depth channel,
we will use that. If it uses 24-bit depth, we'll use that.
The None at the end of the argument list tells OpenGL not to
initialize the data, i.e. not to read it from anywhere.
shadowMapSize, shadowMapSize, 0,
Now we store the texture in the cache for later passes.
holder = mode.cache.holder( light,texture,key=self.textureCacheKey)
These parameters simply keep us from doing interpolation on the
data-values for the texture. If we were to use, for instance
GL_LINEAR interpolation, our shadows would tend to get "moire"
patterns. The cutoff threshold for the shadow would get crossed
halfway across each shadow-map texel as the neighbouring pixels'
values were blended.
We assume here that shadowMapSize is smaller than the size
of the viewport. Real world implementations would normally
render to a Frame Buffer Object (off-screen render) to an
appropriately sized texture, regardless of screen size, falling
back to this implementation *only* if there was no FBO support
on the machine. We will develop the FBO-based rendering in the
next tutorial.
glViewport( 0,0, shadowMapSize, shadowMapSize )
return texture
def closeShadowContext( self, texture ):
"""Close our shadow-rendering context/texture"""
This is the function that actually copies the depth-buffer into
the depth-texture we've created. The operation is a standard OpenGL
glCopyTexSubImage2D, which is performed entirely "on card", so
is reasonably fast, though not as fast as having rendered into an
FBO in the first place. We'll look at that in the next tutorial.
shadowMapSize = self.shadowMapSize
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture)
GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, shadowMapSize, shadowMapSize
return texture
Render Ambient-lit Geometry
Our second rendering pass draws the ambient light to the scene. It
also fills in the depth buffer which will filter out geometry which
is behind shadowed geometry which would otherwise "bleed through".
def renderAmbient( self, mode ):
"""Render ambient-only lighting for geometry"""
Again, we configure the mode to tell the geometry how to
render itself. Here we want to have almost everything save
the diffuse lighting calculations performed.
self.geometryPasses.context = self
self.geometryPasses.cache = mode.cache
self.geometryPasses.visible = True = True
self.geometryPasses.lightingAmbient = True
self.geometryPasses.lightingDiffuse = False
self.geometryPasses.textured = True
As with the geometry, the light will respect the mode's
parameters for lighting.
for i,light in enumerate( self.lights ):
light.Light( GL_LIGHT0+i, mode=self.geometryPasses )
self.drawScene( mode, mode.getModelView() )
Render Diffuse/Specular Lighting Filtered by Shadow Map
This rendering pass is where the magic of the shadow-texture algorithm
happens. Our process looks like this:
- configure the GL to synthesize texture coordinates in eye-linear space (the camera's eye coordinate space)
- load our texture matrix into the "eye planes" of the texture coordinate pipeline, there they serve to transform the texture coordinates into the clip-space coordinates of the depth texture
- configure the GL to generate an "alpha" value by comparing the "R" (Z) component of the generated texture coordinates to the Z component stored in the depth-texture. That is, generate a 1.0 alpha where the camera-Z component is less-than-or-equal-to the depth in the depth texture.
- configure the GL to only pass fragments where the alpha is greater than .99
def renderDiffuse( self, light, texture, textureMatrix, mode, id=0 ):
"""Render lit-pass for given light"""
If we were to turn *off* ambient lighting, we would find that
our shadowed geometry would be darker whereever there happened
to be a hole in the geometry through which light was hitting
(the back of) the geometry. With fully closed geometry, not
a problem, but a problem for our Teapot object. We could solve
this with a blend operation which only blended brighter pixels,
but simply re-calculating ambient lighting in this pass is about
as simple.
self.geometryPasses.lightingAmbient = False
self.geometryPasses.lightingDiffuse = True
Again, the light looks at the mode parameters to determine how
to configure itself.
light.Light( GL_LIGHT0 + id, mode=self.geometryPasses )
texGenData = [
for token,gen_token,row in texGenData:
We want to generate coordinates as a linear mapping
with each "eye plane" corresponding to a row of our
translation matrix. We're going to generate texture
coordinates that are linear in the eye-space of the
camera and then transform them with the eye-planes
into texture-lookups within the depth-texture.
glTexGenfv(token, GL_EYE_PLANE, row )
Now enable our light's depth-texture, created above.
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture)
Enable shadow comparison. "R" here is not "red", but
the third of 4 texture coordinates, i.e. the transformed
Z-depth of the generated texture coordinate, now in eye-space
of the light.
Shadow comparison should be true (ie not in shadow)
if R <= value stored in the texture. That is, if the
eye-space Z coordinate multiplied by our transformation
matrix is at a lower depth (closer) than the depth value
stored in the texture, then that coordinate is "in the light".
I don't see any real reason to prefer ALPHA versus
INTENSITY for the generated values, but I like the symetry
of using glAlphaFunc with Alpha values. The original tutorial
used intensity values, however, so there may be some subtle
reason to use them.
Accept anything as "lit" which gives this value or greater.
glAlphaFunc(GL_GEQUAL, .99)
return self.drawScene( mode, mode.getModelView() )
Okay, so now we need to do cleanup and get back to a regular
rendering mode...
for _,gen_token,_ in texGenData:
mode.lightingAmbient = True
if __name__ == "__main__":
We specify a large size for the context because we need at least
this large a context to render our depth texture.
size = (512,512),
ARB Shadow on the Back Buffer