Introduction to Shaders: Requirements/Setup
"""apt-get install python-virtualenv python-numpy python-imaging
# for virtualenv >= 1.7 the --system-site-packages is required to
# include the system-level packages...
virtualenv --sytem-site-packages tutorial
virtualenv tutorial # older virtualenvs
source tutorial/bin/activate
# The -I flag ensures we are installed in this virtualenv
pip install -I
pip install -I TTFQuery PyOpenGL PyOpenGL-accelerate
pip install -I pydispatcher PyVRML97 PyVRML97-accelerate simpleparse
pip install -I OpenGLContext
You'll need to have GLUT, GLE and the like installed via your
system's package manager. See the OpenGLContext installation notes
for details.
System Requirements
This tutorial requires a modern OpenGL implementation. Your
card/driver should likely support OpenGL 2.x natively, though
OpenGL 1.5+ extensions may work.
It is known *not* to work on the following theoretically capable
- Mac Radeon 9600, OS-X 10.4/10.5 (does not support vertex attribute arrays)
- nVidia GeForce 7600 GS rev a1 (does not properly compile the 11th tutorial (link error)).
Note that there are alternative code-paths that can be used, but
that the tutorial does not currently explore those paths in the
interest of making the introductory tutorial easier to follow.
Package Installation