Introduction to Shaders: Specular Highlights, Indexed Geometry, Directional Lighting
#! /usr/bin/env python
from OpenGLContext import testingcontext
BaseContext = testingcontext.getInteractive()
from OpenGL.GL import *
from OpenGL.arrays import vbo
from OpenGLContext.arrays import *
from OpenGL.GL import shaders
This is our only new import. The Sphere geometry node
generates a "compiled" piece of sphere geometry
as a pair of two VBOs and a count that tells us how many vertices
need to be rendered from the VBOs to render the geometry. The first
VBO contains the per-vertex data which is to be rendered, while the
second contains indices into that first VBO which allows triangles
to be generated which share the vertex records. In "smooth" geometry
vertices tend to be shared, so this rendering method tends to be
more efficient than using expanded arrays of vertices.
from OpenGLContext.scenegraph.basenodes import Sphere
class TestContext( BaseContext ):
"""Demonstrates use of attribute types in GLSL
def OnInit( self ):
"""Initialize the context"""
Phong and Blinn Reflectance
A shiny surface will tend to have a "bright spot" at the point
on the surface where the angle of incidence for the reflected
light ray and the viewer's ray are (close to) equal.
A perfect mirror would have the brights spot solely when the
two vectors are exactly equal, while a perfect Lambertian
surface would have the "bright spot" spread across the entire
The Phong rendering process models this as a setting, traditionally
called material "shininess" in Legacy OpenGL. This setting acts
as a power which raises the cosine (dot product) of the
angle between the reflected ray and the eye. The calculation of
the cosine (dot product) of the two angles requires that we do
a dot product of the two angles once for each vertex/fragment
for which we wish to calculate the specular reflectance, we also
have to find the angle of reflectance before we can do the
L_dir = (V_pos-L_pos)
R = 2N*(dot( N, L_dir))-L_dir
// Note: in eye-coordinate system, Eye_pos == (0,0,0)
Spec_factor = pow( dot( R, V_pos-Eye_pos ), shininess)
which, as we can see, involves the vertex position in a number
of stages of the operation, so requires recalculation all through
the rendering operation.
There is, however, a simplified version of Phong Lighting called
which notes that if we were to do all of our calculations in
"eye space", and were to assume that (as is normal), the eye
and light coordinates will not change for a rendering pass,
(note: this limits us to directional lights!) we
can use a pre-calculated value which is the bisecting angle
between the light-vector and the view-vector, called the
"half vector" to
perform approximately the same calculation. With this value:
// note that in Eye coordinates, Eye_EC_dir == 0,0,-1
H = normalize( Eye_EC_dir + Light_EC_dir )
Spec_factor = pow( dot( H, N ), shininess )
Note: however, that the resulting Spec_factor is not *precisely*
the same value as the original calculation, so the "shininess"
exponent must be slightly lower to approximate the value that
Phong rendering would achieve. The value is, however, considered
close to "real world" materials, so the Blinn method is generally
preferred to Phong.
Traditionally, n_dot_pos would be cut off at 0.0, but that would
create extremely hard-edged cut-offs for specular color. Here
we "fudge" the result by 0.05
phong_weightCalc = """
vec2 phong_weightCalc(
in vec3 light_pos, // light position
in vec3 half_light, // half-way vector between light and view
in vec3 frag_normal, // geometry normal
in float shininess
) {
// returns vec2( ambientMult, diffuseMult )
float n_dot_pos = max( 0.0, dot(
frag_normal, light_pos
float n_dot_half = 0.0;
if (n_dot_pos > -.05) {
n_dot_half = pow(max(0.0,dot(
half_light, frag_normal
)), shininess);
return vec2( n_dot_pos, n_dot_half);
We are going to use per-fragment rendering.
As a result, our vertex shader becomes very simple, just arranging
for the Normals to be varied across the surface.
vertex = shaders.compileShader(
attribute vec3 Vertex_position;
attribute vec3 Vertex_normal;
varying vec3 baseNormal;
void main() {
gl_Position = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * vec4(
Vertex_position, 1.0
baseNormal = gl_NormalMatrix * normalize(Vertex_normal);
Our fragment shader looks much like our previous tutorial's
vertex shader. As before, we have lots of uniform values,
but now we also calculate the light's half-vector (in eye-space
coordinates). The phong_weightCalc function does the core Blinn
calculation, and we simply use the resulting factor to add to
the colour value for the fragment.
Note the use of the eye-coordinate-space to simplify the
half-vector calculation, the eye-space eye-vector is always
the same value (pointing down the negative Z axis),
and the eye-space eye-coordinate is always (0,0,0), so the
eye-to-vertex vector is always the eye-space vector position.
fragment = shaders.compileShader( phong_weightCalc + """
uniform vec4 Global_ambient;
uniform vec4 Light_ambient;
uniform vec4 Light_diffuse;
uniform vec4 Light_specular;
uniform vec3 Light_location;
uniform float Material_shininess;
uniform vec4 Material_specular;
uniform vec4 Material_ambient;
uniform vec4 Material_diffuse;
varying vec3 baseNormal;
void main() {
// normalized eye-coordinate Light location
vec3 EC_Light_location = normalize(
gl_NormalMatrix * Light_location
// half-vector calculation
vec3 Light_half = normalize(
EC_Light_location - vec3( 0,0,-1 )
vec2 weights = phong_weightCalc(
gl_FragColor = clamp(
(Global_ambient * Material_ambient)
+ (Light_ambient * Material_ambient)
+ (Light_diffuse * Material_diffuse * weights.x)
// material's shininess is the only change here...
+ (Light_specular * Material_specular * weights.y)
), 0.0, 1.0);
self.shader = shaders.compileProgram(vertex,fragment)
Here's the call that creates the two VBOs and the
count of records to render from them. If you're curious
you can read through the source code of the
OpenGLContext.scenegraph.quadrics module to read the
mechanism that generates the values.
The sphere is a simple rendering mechanism, as for a
unit-sphere at the origin, the sphere's normals are the
same as the sphere's vertex coordinate. The complexity
comes primarily in generating the triangle indices that
link the points generated.
self.coords,self.indices,self.count = Sphere(
radius = 1
We have a few more uniforms to control the specular
components. Real-world coding would also calculate the
light's half-vector and provide it as a uniform (so that
it would only need to be calculated once), but we are going
to do the half-vector calculation in the shader to make
it obvious what is going on. The legacy OpenGL pipeline
provides the value pre-calculated as part of the light structure
in GLSL.
for uniform in (
location = glGetUniformLocation( self.shader, uniform )
if location in (None,-1):
print 'Warning, no uniform: %s'%( uniform )
setattr( self, uniform+ '_loc', location )
for attribute in (
location = glGetAttribLocation( self.shader, attribute )
if location in (None,-1):
print 'Warning, no attribute: %s'%( uniform )
setattr( self, attribute+ '_loc', location )
def Render( self, mode = None):
"""Render the geometry for the scene."""
BaseContext.Render( self, mode )
Indexed VBO Rendering
You'll notice here that we are binding two different VBO
objects. As we mentioned above, the Sphere renderer
generated both VBOs, but doesn't the second binding replace
the first binding? That is, why doesn't OpenGL try to read
the Vertex data out of the indices VBO?
OpenGL defines multiple binding "targets" for VBOs, the
first VBO (vertices) was bound to the GL_ARRAY_BUFFER
target (the default for the class), which is used for reading
per-vertex data arrays, while the indices buffer was defined
as targetting the GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, which is used
solely for reading indices.
Each target can be bound to a different VBO, and thus we can
bind both VBOs at the same time without confusion.
Here, being lazy, we use the numpy array's nbytes value
to specify the stride between records. The VBO object has
a "data" value which is the data-set which was initially
passed to the VBO constructor. The first element in this
array is a single vertex record. This array happens to have
8 floating-point values (24 bytes), the first three being
the vertex position, the next two being the texture coordinate
and the last three being the vertex normal. We'll ignore
the texture coordinate for now.
stride =[0].nbytes
glUniform4f( self.Global_ambient_loc, .05,.05,.05,.1 )
glUniform4f( self.Light_ambient_loc, .1,.1,.1, 1.0 )
glUniform4f( self.Light_diffuse_loc, .25,.25,.25,1 )
We set up a yellow-ish specular component in the
light and move it to rest "just over our right shoulder"
in relation to the initial camera.
glUniform4f( self.Light_specular_loc, 0.0,1.0,0,1 )
glUniform3f( self.Light_location_loc, 6,2,4 )
glUniform4f( self.Material_ambient_loc, .1,.1,.1, 1.0 )
glUniform4f( self.Material_diffuse_loc, .15,.15,.15, 1 )
We make the material have a bright specular white
colour and an extremely "shiny" surface. The shininess
value has the effect of reducing the area of the
highlight, as the cos of the angle is raised
to the power of the (fractional) shininess.
glUniform4f( self.Material_specular_loc, 1.0,1.0,1.0, 1.0 )
glUniform1f( self.Material_shininess_loc, .95)
glEnableVertexAttribArray( self.Vertex_position_loc )
glEnableVertexAttribArray( self.Vertex_normal_loc )
3, GL_FLOAT,False, stride, self.coords
3, GL_FLOAT,False, stride, self.coords+(5*4)
Here we introduce the OpenGL call which renders via
an index-array rather than just rendering vertices in
definition order. The last two arguments tell OpenGL
what data-type we've used for the indices (the Sphere
renderer uses shorts). The indices VBO is actually
just passing the value c_void_p( 0 ) (i.e. a null pointer),
which causes OpenGL to use the currently bound VBO for
GL_TRIANGLES, self.count,
GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, self.indices
Note the need to unbind *both* VBOs, we have to free
*both* VBO targets to avoid any other rendering operation
from trying to access the VBOs.
glDisableVertexAttribArray( self.Vertex_position_loc )
glDisableVertexAttribArray( self.Vertex_normal_loc )
glUseProgram( 0 )
if __name__ == "__main__":
Our per-fragment Blinn-Phong rendering engine is a very simplistic
model of real-world lighting, and is currently limited to a single
directional light. Our next tutorial will begin to
reduce these "simplifying assumptions".
Specular Highlights, Indexed Geometry, Directional Lighting