Introduction to Shaders: Use Declarative Structures

#! /usr/bin/env python

Use Declarative Structures

This tutorial:
  • configure our light array from VRML97 scenegraph objects
  • configure our material structure from VRML97 scenegraph objects
  • add simple texturing
The purpose of this tutorial is to consolidate our work so far so that we can reuse it in further tutorials without needing to repeat code all the time.
from OpenGLContext import testingcontext BaseContext = testingcontext.getInteractive() from OpenGL.GL import * from OpenGL.arrays import vbo from OpenGLContext.arrays import * from OpenGL.GL import shaders
We're going to use VRML97 nodes to configure our shaders, so we'll import the whole set of VRML97 base nodes (and the OpenGLContext extended nodes as well, though we aren't going to use them here).
from OpenGLContext.scenegraph.basenodes import * class TestContext( BaseContext ): """Demonstrates use of attribute types in GLSL """
Rather than declaring our constants as context attributes, we'll make an explicit namespace in which the constants are stored.
shader_constants = dict( LIGHT_COUNT = 5, LIGHT_SIZE = 7, AMBIENT = 0, DIFFUSE = 1, SPECULAR = 2, POSITION = 3, ATTENUATION = 4, # SPOT_PARAMS [ cos_spot_cutoff, spot_exponent, ignored, is_spot ] SPOT_PARAMS = 5, SPOT_DIR = 6, ) def createLights( self ): return [ DirectionalLight( color = (0,1,.1), intensity = 1.0, ambientIntensity = 0.1, direction = (-.4,-1,-.4), ), SpotLight( location = (-2.5,2.5,2.5), color = (1,0,.3), ambientIntensity = .1, attenuation = (0,0,1), beamWidth = pi/2, cutOffAngle = pi*.9, direction = (2.5,-5.5,-2.5), intensity = .5, ), PointLight( location = (0,-3.06,3.06), color = (.05,.05,1), intensity = .5, ambientIntensity = .1, ), ] def OnInit( self ): """Initialize the context"""
Our first step in making the shader-based code more flexible is to make the number and type of lights depend on a declared set of light "nodes" rather than explicitly creating arrays of lighting parameters. The flexibility this provides means that we can easily demo all 3 types of supported lights here.
self.lights = self.createLights()
Now we take the set of lights and turn them into an array of lighting parameters to be passed into the shader.
self.LIGHTS = array([ self.lightAsArray(l) for l in self.lights ],'f')
Instead of the hard-coded lighting count, we update the light count before compiling the shader. In the real world we'd want to make the number of lights a parameter per-object so that we could generate a light-count-specific shader shared among all objects with the same light-count.
self.shader_constants['LIGHT_COUNT'] = len(self.lights)
We load our shader functions that we've stored in resources and files as simple string values.
from OpenGLContext.resources.phongprecalc_vert import data as phong_preCalc from OpenGLContext.resources.phongweights_frag import data as phong_weightCalc light_preCalc = open( '_shader_tut_lightprecalc.vert' ).read()
Our light constants are now generated from the dictionary declared at the class level, with the count we just updated substituted into the code. The only change to the content here is the addition of the Vertex_texture_coordinate_var value which interpolates our texture coordinates.
lightConst = "\n".join([ "const int %s = %s;"%( k,v ) for k,v in self.shader_constants.items() ]) + """ uniform vec4 lights[ LIGHT_COUNT*LIGHT_SIZE ]; varying vec3 EC_Light_half[LIGHT_COUNT]; varying vec3 EC_Light_location[LIGHT_COUNT]; varying float Light_distance[LIGHT_COUNT]; varying vec3 baseNormal; varying vec2 Vertex_texture_coordinate_var; """
Our vertex shader using the refactored pieces has become quite small. The only change here is the addition of the texture-coordinate values. The texture coordinates are simply assigned to the varying value so that they will show up interpolated across the fragments in the fragment shader.
vertex = shaders.compileShader( lightConst + phong_preCalc + light_preCalc + """ attribute vec3 Vertex_position; attribute vec3 Vertex_normal; attribute vec2 Vertex_texture_coordinate; void main() { gl_Position = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * vec4( Vertex_position, 1.0 ); baseNormal = gl_NormalMatrix * normalize(Vertex_normal); light_preCalc(Vertex_position); Vertex_texture_coordinate_var = Vertex_texture_coordinate; }""", GL_VERTEX_SHADER)
The fragment shader is still "under development", so we haven't refactored it into separate files to the same extent. The only noticeable change here is the texture calculation.
We use the sampler2D type to define a variable which can to texture lookups into a configured texture-unit on the video card. The varying texture-coordinate variable will provide us with interpolated s,t coordinates which we can use to do a texture2D call on the sampler2D.
fragment = shaders.compileShader( lightConst + phong_weightCalc + """ struct Material { vec4 ambient; vec4 diffuse; vec4 specular; float shininess; }; uniform Material material; uniform vec4 Global_ambient; uniform sampler2D diffuse_texture; void main() { vec4 fragColor = Global_ambient * material.ambient; vec4 texDiffuse = texture2D( diffuse_texture, Vertex_texture_coordinate_var ); texDiffuse = mix( material.diffuse, texDiffuse, .5 ); //texDiffuse = material.diffuse * texDiffuse; // Again, we've moved the "hairy" code into the reusable // function, our loop simply calls the phong calculation // with the values from our uniforms and attributes... int i,j; vec3 weights; vec4 mixColor; for (i=0;i<LIGHT_COUNT;i++) { j = i * LIGHT_SIZE; weights = phong_weightCalc( normalize(EC_Light_location[i]), normalize(EC_Light_half[i]), normalize(baseNormal), material.shininess, abs(Light_distance[i]), // see note tutorial 9 lights[j+ATTENUATION], lights[j+SPOT_PARAMS], lights[j+SPOT_DIR] ); mixColor = (lights[j+AMBIENT] * material.ambient * weights.x) + (lights[j+DIFFUSE] * texDiffuse * weights.y) + (lights[j+SPECULAR] * material.specular * weights.z); fragColor += mixColor; //fragColor = vec4( weights.y,weights.y,weights.y, 1.0 ); //fragColor = mixColor; } gl_FragColor = fragColor; } """, GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER)
Compilation is the same.
self.shader = shaders.compileProgram(vertex,fragment)
As is our sphere geometry setup.
self.coords,self.indices,self.count = Sphere( radius = 1 ).compile()
Here we define an appearance node that we'll use to configure our shader uniforms with the method materialFromAppearance (below). The texture will be loaded from the provided URL using PIL.
self.appearance = Appearance( material = Material( diffuseColor = (1,1,1), specularColor = (.25,.25,0), ambientIntensity = .1, shininess = .2, ), texture = ImageTexture( url = ['marbleface.jpeg'], ), )
Uniform setup looks much the same, though we've moved the material uniforms into a separate list and have refactored the uniform resolution into a method.
self.uniform_locations = {} for uniform,value in self.UNIFORM_VALUES: self.findUniform( self.shader, uniform ) self.findUniform( self.shader, 'lights' ) for uniform in self.MATERIAL_UNIFORMS: self.findUniform( self.shader, uniform )
We add a texture-coordinate attribute which we'll use to index into the texture we're setting up.
for attribute in ( 'Vertex_position','Vertex_normal','Vertex_texture_coordinate', ): location = glGetAttribLocation( self.shader, attribute ) if location in (None,-1): print 'Warning, no attribute: %s'%( uniform ) setattr( self, attribute+ '_loc', location )
As noted above, we're down to a single "global" uniform. The material is specially set up now.
UNIFORM_VALUES = [ ('Global_ambient',(.05,.05,.05,1.0)), ]
Our refactored code to find a uniform, takes a uniform name and resolves to a location.
def findUniform( self, shader, uniform ): location = glGetUniformLocation( shader, uniform ) if location in (None,-1): print 'Warning, no uniform: %s'%( uniform ) self.uniform_locations[uniform] = location return location def Render( self, mode = None): """Render the geometry for the scene."""
We set up our texture on texture-unit 1 (the second unit).
if not mode.visible: return glActiveTexture( GL_TEXTURE0 + 1 ) try:
The texture will not render anything when we are in a non-visible or non-lit pass.
self.appearance.texture.render( mode.visible,, mode ) finally: glActiveTexture( GL_TEXTURE0 )
Enable the shader.
Now we can configure our texture sampler uniform to point to texture-unit 1 (where we configured our texture).
glUniform1i( self.uniform_locations['diffuse_texture'], 1 ) try: self.coords.bind() self.indices.bind() stride =[0].nbytes try: count = self.shader_constants['LIGHT_COUNT'] * self.shader_constants['LIGHT_SIZE'] glUniform4fv( self.uniform_locations['lights'], count, self.LIGHTS ) for key,value in self.materialFromAppearance( self.appearance, mode ).items(): loc = self.uniform_locations.get( key ) if isinstance( value, float ): glUniform1f( loc, value ) else: glUniform4fv( loc, 1, value ) for uniform,value in self.UNIFORM_VALUES: location = self.uniform_locations.get( uniform ) if location not in (None,-1): if len(value) == 4: glUniform4f( location, *value ) elif len(value) == 3: glUniform3f( location, *value ) elif len(value) == 1: glUniform1f( location, *value ) glEnableVertexAttribArray( self.Vertex_position_loc ) glEnableVertexAttribArray( self.Vertex_normal_loc ) glEnableVertexAttribArray( self.Vertex_texture_coordinate_loc ) glVertexAttribPointer( self.Vertex_position_loc, 3, GL_FLOAT,False, stride, self.coords ) glVertexAttribPointer( self.Vertex_texture_coordinate_loc, 2, GL_FLOAT,False, stride, self.coords+(3*4) ) glVertexAttribPointer( self.Vertex_normal_loc, 3, GL_FLOAT,False, stride, self.coords+(5*4) ) glDrawElements( GL_TRIANGLES, self.count, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, self.indices ) finally: self.coords.unbind() self.indices.unbind() glDisableVertexAttribArray( self.Vertex_position_loc ) glDisableVertexAttribArray( self.Vertex_normal_loc ) glDisableVertexAttribArray( self.Vertex_texture_coordinate_loc ) finally: glUseProgram( 0 ) def lightAsArray( self, light ): """Given a single VRML97 light-node, produce light value array""" def sk(k): return self.shader_constants[k] key = 'uniform-array' result = self.cache.getData(light, key= key ) if result is None: result = zeros( (sk('LIGHT_SIZE'),4), 'f' ) depends_on = ['on'] if light.on: color = light.color depends_on.append( 'color' ) D,A,S,P,AT = ( sk('DIFFUSE'), sk('AMBIENT'), sk('SPECULAR'), sk('POSITION'), sk('ATTENUATION') ) result[ D ][:3] = color * light.intensity result[ D ][3] = 1.0 result[ A ][:3] = color * light.ambientIntensity result[ A ][3] = 1.0 result[ S ][:3] = color * light.intensity result[ S ][3] = 1.0 depends_on.append( 'intensity' ) depends_on.append( 'ambientIntensity' ) if not isinstance( light, DirectionalLight ): result[P][:3] = light.location result[P][3] = 1.0 result[AT][:3] = light.attenuation result[AT][3] = 1.0 depends_on.append( 'location' ) depends_on.append( 'attenuation' ) if isinstance( light, SpotLight ): result[sk('SPOT_DIR')][:3] = light.direction result[sk('SPOT_DIR')][3] = 1.0 result[sk('SPOT_PARAMS')] = [ cos( light.beamWidth/4.0 ), light.cutOffAngle/light.beamWidth, 0, 1.0, ] depends_on.append( 'direction' ) depends_on.append( 'cutOffAngle' ) depends_on.append( 'beamWidth' ) else: result[P][:3] = -light.direction result[P][3] = 0.0 depends_on.append( 'direction' ) holder = self.cache.holder( light,result,key=key ) for field in depends_on: holder.depend( light, field ) return result MATERIAL_UNIFORMS = [ 'material.shininess', 'material.ambient', 'material.diffuse', 'material.specular', 'diffuse_texture', ] def materialFromAppearance( self, appearance, mode=None ): """Convert VRML97 appearance node to series of uniform calls""" material = appearance.material key = 'uniform-array' data = self.cache.getData(material, key= key ) if data is None: color = material.diffuseColor ambient = material.ambientIntensity * color shininess = material.shininess specular = material.specularColor alpha = 1.0 - material.transparency def as4( v ): x,y,z = v return (x,y,z,alpha) data = (shininess,as4(ambient),as4(color),as4(specular)) holder = self.cache.holder( material,data,key=key ) for field in [ 'diffuseColor','ambientIntensity', 'shininess','specularColor','transparency' ]: holder.depend( material, field ) shininess,ambient,color,specular = data return { 'material.shininess': shininess, 'material.ambient': ambient, 'material.diffuse': color, 'material.specular': specular, } if __name__ == "__main__": TestContext.ContextMainLoop()