Scenegraph Nodes: Particle System (PointSet)
#! /usr/bin/env python
from OpenGLContext import testingcontext
BaseContext = testingcontext.getInteractive()
from OpenGL.GL import *
from OpenGLContext.arrays import *
from import Timer
import random
from OpenGLContext.scenegraph.basenodes import *
import RandomArray
except ImportError, err:
RandomArray = None
from OpenGLContext.scenegraph.text import glutfont
except ImportError:
glutfont = None
These are the parameters we're going to use to create our
simulation. Particle systems would normally encapsulate these
in a node somewhere, but we want to see what we're doing.
- gravity -- applied to each in-play droplet
- emitter -- location from which to emit
- count -- number of points allocated
- initialColor -- initial colour for each droplet
- pointSize -- how big the droplets are
- colorVelocities -- change in colour over time
- initialVelocityVector -- nozzle speed of the droplets
gravity = -9.8 #m/(s**2)
emitter = (0,0,0)
count = 3000
initialColor = (1,.9,.9)
pointSize = 1.5
colorVelocities = [1,.9,.7]
initialVelocityVector = array( [1.5,20.,1.5], 'd')
class TestContext( BaseContext ):
"""Particle testing code context object"""
initialPosition = (0,7,20)
lastFraction = 0.0
def OnInit( self ):
"""Do all of our setup functions..."""
BaseContext.OnInit( self )
print """You should see something that looks vaguely like
a water-fountain, with individual droplets starting
blue and turning white."""
The PointSet node will do the actual work of rendering
our points into the GL. We start it off with all points
at the emitter location and with initial colour.
self.points = PointSet(
coord = Coordinate(
point = [emitter]*count
color = Color(
color = [initialColor]*count
minSize = 7.0,
maxSize = 10.0,
attenuation = [0,1,0],
We use a simple Appearance node to apply a texture to the
PointSet, the PointSet will use this to enable sprite-based
rendering if the extension(s) are available.
self.shape = Shape(
appearance = Appearance(
texture = ImageTexture( url='_particle.png' ),
geometry = self.points,
self.text = Text(
string = ["""Current multiplier: 1.0"""],
fontStyle = FontStyle(
family='SANS', format = 'bitmap',
justify = 'MIDDLE',
) = sceneGraph( children = [
SimpleBackground( color = (.5,.5,.5),),
translation = (0,-1,0),
children = [
geometry = self.text
] )
self.velocities = array([ (0,0,0)]*count, 'd')
self.colorVelocities = array( colorVelocities, 'd')
print ' <s> make time pass more slowly'
print ' <f> make time pass faster'
print ' <h> higher'
print ' <l> (L) lower'
print ' <[> smaller drops'
print ' <]> larger drops'
self.addEventHandler( "keypress", name="s", function = self.OnSlower)
self.addEventHandler( "keypress", name="f", function = self.OnFaster)
self.addEventHandler( "keypress", name="h", function = self.OnHigher)
self.addEventHandler( "keypress", name="l", function = self.OnLower)
self.addEventHandler( "keypress", name="]", function = self.OnLarger)
self.addEventHandler( "keypress", name="[", function = self.OnSmaller)
First timer will provide the general simulation heartbeat.
self.time = Timer( duration = 1.0, repeating = 1 )
self.time.addEventHandler( "fraction", self.OnTimerFraction )
self.time.register (self)
self.time.start ()
Second timer provides a cycle on which the fountain
reduces/increases the speed at which droplets are started.
self.time2 = Timer( duration = 5.0, repeating = 1 )
self.time2.addEventHandler( "cycle", self.OnLower )
self.time2.register (self)
self.time2.start ()
### Timer callback
def OnTimerFraction( self, event ):
"""Perform the particle-system simulation calculations"""
points = self.points.coord.point
colors = self.points.color.color
Our calculations are going to need to know how much time
has passed since our last event. This is complicated by the
fact that a "fraction" event is cyclic, returning to 0.0 after
f = event.fraction()
if f < self.lastFraction:
f += 1.0
deltaFraction = (f-self.lastFraction)
self.lastFraction = event.fraction()
If we have received an event which is so soon after a
previous event as to have a 0.0s delta (this does happen
on some platforms), then we need to ignore this simulation
if not deltaFraction:
Each droplet has been moving at their current velocity
for deltaFraction seconds, update their position with the
results of this speed * time. You'll note that this is not
precisely accurate for a body under acceleration, but it
makes for easy calculations. Two machines running
the same simulation will get *different* results here, as
a faster machine will apply acceleration more frequently,
resulting in a faster total velocity.
points = points + (self.velocities*deltaFraction)
We also cycle the droplet's colour value, though with
the applied texture it's somewhat hard to see.
colors = colors + (self.colorVelocities*deltaFraction)
Now, apply acceleration to the current velocities such
that the droplets have a new velocity for the next simulation
self.velocities[:,1] = self.velocities[:,1] + (gravity * deltaFraction)
Find all droplets which have "retired" by falling below the
y==0.0 plane.
below = less_equal( points[:,1], 0.0)
dead = nonzero(below)
if isinstance( dead, tuple ):
# weird numpy change here...
dead = dead[0]
if len(dead):
Move all dead droplets back to the emitter.
def put( a, ind, b ):
for i in ind:
a[i] = b
put( points, dead, emitter)
Re-spawn up to half of the droplets...
dead = dead[:(len(dead)//2)+1]
if len(dead):
Reset color to initialColor, as we are sending out
these droplets right now.
put( colors, dead, initialColor)
Assign slightly randomized versions of our initial
velocity for each of the re-spawned droplets. Replace
the current velocities with the new velocities.
if RandomArray:
velocities = (RandomArray.random( (len(dead),3) ) + [-.5, 0.0, -.5 ]) * initialVelocityVector
velocities = [
array( (random.random()-.5, random.random(), random.random()-.5), 'f')* initialVelocityVector
for x in xrange(len(dead))
def copy( a, ind, b ):
for x in xrange(len(ind)):
i = ind[x]
a[i] = b[x]
copy( self.velocities, dead, velocities)
Now re-set the point/color fields so that the nodes notice
the array has changed and they update the GL with the changed
self.points.coord.point = points
self.points.color.color = colors
Set up keyboard callbacks
def OnSlower( self, event ):
self.time.internal.multiplier = self.time.internal.multiplier /2.0
if glutfont:
self.text.string = [ "Current multiplier: %s"%( self.time.internal.multiplier,)]
print "slower",self.time.internal.multiplier
def OnFaster( self, event ):
self.time.internal.multiplier = self.time.internal.multiplier * 2.0
if glutfont:
self.text.string = [ "Current multiplier: %s"%( self.time.internal.multiplier,)]
print "faster",self.time.internal.multiplier
def OnHigher( self, event ):
global initialVelocityVector
initialVelocityVector *= [1,1.25,1]
def OnLower( self, event ):
global initialVelocityVector
if hasattr(event,'count') and not event.count() % 4:
initialVelocityVector[:] = [1.5,20,1.5]
initialVelocityVector /= [1,1.5,1]
def OnLarger( self, event ):
self.points.minSize += 1.0
self.points.maxSize += 1.0
def OnSmaller( self, event ):
self.points.minSize = max((0.0,self.points.minSize-1.0))
self.points.maxSize = max((1.0,self.points.maxSize-1.0))
if __name__ == "__main__":
Particle System (PointSet)