
Specifies the value of a generic vertex attribute


glVertexAttrib( )->
glVertexAttrib1d( GLuint ( index ) , GLdouble ( v0 ) )-> void
glVertexAttrib1d( index , x )
glVertexAttrib1dv( GLuint ( index ) , const GLdouble *( v ) )-> void
glVertexAttrib1dv( index , v )
glVertexAttrib1f( GLuint ( index ) , GLfloat ( v0 ) )-> void
glVertexAttrib1f( index , x )
glVertexAttrib1fv( GLuint ( index ) , const GLfloat *( v ) )-> void
glVertexAttrib1fv( index , v )
glVertexAttrib1s( GLuint ( index ) , GLshort ( v0 ) )-> void
glVertexAttrib1s( index , x )
glVertexAttrib1sv( GLuint ( index ) , const GLshort *( v ) )-> void
glVertexAttrib1sv( index , v )
glVertexAttrib2d( GLuint ( index ) , GLdouble ( v0 ) , GLdouble ( v1 ) )-> void
glVertexAttrib2d( index , x , y )
glVertexAttrib2dv( GLuint ( index ) , const GLdouble *( v ) )-> void
glVertexAttrib2dv( index , v )
glVertexAttrib2f( GLuint ( index ) , GLfloat ( v0 ) , GLfloat ( v1 ) )-> void
glVertexAttrib2f( index , x , y )
glVertexAttrib2fv( GLuint ( index ) , const GLfloat *( v ) )-> void
glVertexAttrib2fv( index , v )
glVertexAttrib2s( GLuint ( index ) , GLshort ( v0 ) , GLshort ( v1 ) )-> void
glVertexAttrib2s( index , x , y )
glVertexAttrib2sv( GLuint ( index ) , const GLshort *( v ) )-> void
glVertexAttrib2sv( index , v )
glVertexAttrib3d( GLuint ( index ) , GLdouble ( v0 ) , GLdouble ( v1 ) , GLdouble ( v2 ) )-> void
glVertexAttrib3d( index , x , y , z )
glVertexAttrib3dv( GLuint ( index ) , const GLdouble *( v ) )-> void
glVertexAttrib3dv( index , v )
glVertexAttrib3f( GLuint ( index ) , GLfloat ( v0 ) , GLfloat ( v1 ) , GLfloat ( v2 ) )-> void
glVertexAttrib3f( index , x , y , z )
glVertexAttrib3fv( GLuint ( index ) , const GLfloat *( v ) )-> void
glVertexAttrib3fv( index , v )
glVertexAttrib3s( GLuint ( index ) , GLshort ( v0 ) , GLshort ( v1 ) , GLshort ( v2 ) )-> void
glVertexAttrib3s( index , x , y , z )
glVertexAttrib3sv( GLuint ( index ) , const GLshort *( v ) )-> void
glVertexAttrib3sv( index , v )
glVertexAttrib4Nbv( GLuint ( index ) , const GLbyte *( v ) )-> void
glVertexAttrib4Nbv( index , v )
glVertexAttrib4Niv( GLuint ( index ) , const GLint *( v ) )-> void
glVertexAttrib4Niv( index , v )
glVertexAttrib4Nsv( GLuint ( index ) , const GLshort *( v ) )-> void
glVertexAttrib4Nsv( index , v )
glVertexAttrib4Nub( GLuint ( index ) , GLubyte ( v0 ) , GLubyte ( v1 ) , GLubyte ( v2 ) , GLubyte ( v3 ) )-> void
glVertexAttrib4Nub( index , x , y , z , w )
glVertexAttrib4Nubv( GLuint ( index ) , const GLubyte *( v ) )-> void
glVertexAttrib4Nubv( index , v )
glVertexAttrib4Nuiv( GLuint ( index ) , const GLuint *( v ) )-> void
glVertexAttrib4Nuiv( index , v )
glVertexAttrib4Nusv( GLuint ( index ) , const GLushort *( v ) )-> void
glVertexAttrib4Nusv( index , v )
glVertexAttrib4bv( GLuint ( index ) , const GLbyte *( v ) )-> void
glVertexAttrib4bv( index , v )
glVertexAttrib4d( GLuint ( index ) , GLdouble ( v0 ) , GLdouble ( v1 ) , GLdouble ( v2 ) , GLdouble ( v3 ) )-> void
glVertexAttrib4d( index , x , y , z , w )
glVertexAttrib4dv( GLuint ( index ) , const GLdouble *( v ) )-> void
glVertexAttrib4dv( index , v )
glVertexAttrib4f( GLuint ( index ) , GLfloat ( v0 ) , GLfloat ( v1 ) , GLfloat ( v2 ) , GLfloat ( v3 ) )-> void
glVertexAttrib4f( index , x , y , z , w )
glVertexAttrib4fv( GLuint ( index ) , const GLfloat *( v ) )-> void
glVertexAttrib4fv( index , v )
glVertexAttrib4iv( GLuint ( index ) , const GLint *( v ) )-> void
glVertexAttrib4iv( index , v )
glVertexAttrib4s( GLuint ( index ) , GLshort ( v0 ) , GLshort ( v1 ) , GLshort ( v2 ) , GLshort ( v3 ) )-> void
glVertexAttrib4s( index , x , y , z , w )
glVertexAttrib4sv( GLuint ( index ) , const GLshort *( v ) )-> void
glVertexAttrib4sv( index , v )
glVertexAttrib4ubv( GLuint ( index ) , const GLubyte *( v ) )-> void
glVertexAttrib4ubv( index , v )
glVertexAttrib4uiv( GLuint ( index ) , const GLuint *( v ) )-> void
glVertexAttrib4uiv( index , v )
glVertexAttrib4usv( GLuint ( index ) , const GLushort *( v ) )-> void
glVertexAttrib4usv( index , v )
glVertexAttribI1i( GLuint ( index ) , GLint ( v0 ) )-> void
glVertexAttribI1i( index , x )
glVertexAttribI1iv( GLuint ( index ) , const GLint *( v ) )-> void
glVertexAttribI1iv( index , v )
glVertexAttribI1ui( GLuint ( index ) , GLuint ( v0 ) )-> void
glVertexAttribI1ui( index , x )
glVertexAttribI1uiv( GLuint ( index ) , const GLuint *( v ) )-> void
glVertexAttribI1uiv( index , v )
glVertexAttribI2i( GLuint ( index ) , GLint ( v0 ) , GLint ( v1 ) )-> void
glVertexAttribI2i( index , x , y )
glVertexAttribI2iv( GLuint ( index ) , const GLint *( v ) )-> void
glVertexAttribI2iv( index , v )
glVertexAttribI2ui( GLuint ( index ) , GLuint ( v0 ) , GLuint ( v1 ) )-> void
glVertexAttribI2ui( index , x , y )
glVertexAttribI2uiv( GLuint ( index ) , const GLuint *( v ) )-> void
glVertexAttribI2uiv( index , v )
glVertexAttribI3i( GLuint ( index ) , GLint ( v0 ) , GLint ( v1 ) , GLint ( v2 ) )-> void
glVertexAttribI3i( index , x , y , z )
glVertexAttribI3iv( GLuint ( index ) , const GLint *( v ) )-> void
glVertexAttribI3iv( index , v )
glVertexAttribI3ui( GLuint ( index ) , GLuint ( v0 ) , GLuint ( v1 ) , GLuint ( v2 ) )-> void
glVertexAttribI3ui( index , x , y , z )
glVertexAttribI3uiv( GLuint ( index ) , const GLuint *( v ) )-> void
glVertexAttribI3uiv( index , v )
glVertexAttribI4bv( GLuint ( index ) , const GLbyte *( v ) )-> void
glVertexAttribI4bv( index , v )
glVertexAttribI4i( GLuint ( index ) , GLint ( v0 ) , GLint ( v1 ) , GLint ( v2 ) , GLint ( v3 ) )-> void
glVertexAttribI4i( index , x , y , z , w )
glVertexAttribI4iv( GLuint ( index ) , const GLint *( v ) )-> void
glVertexAttribI4iv( index , v )
glVertexAttribI4sv( GLuint ( index ) , const GLshort *( v ) )-> void
glVertexAttribI4sv( index , v )
glVertexAttribI4ubv( GLuint ( index ) , const GLubyte *( v ) )-> void
glVertexAttribI4ubv( index , v )
glVertexAttribI4ui( GLuint ( index ) , GLuint ( v0 ) , GLuint ( v1 ) , GLuint ( v2 ) , GLuint ( v3 ) )-> void
glVertexAttribI4ui( index , x , y , z , w )
glVertexAttribI4uiv( GLuint ( index ) , const GLuint *( v ) )-> void
glVertexAttribI4uiv( index , v )
glVertexAttribI4usv( GLuint ( index ) , const GLushort *( v ) )-> void
glVertexAttribI4usv( index , v )
glVertexAttribL1d( GLuint ( index ) , GLdouble ( v0 ) )-> void
glVertexAttribL1d( index , x )
glVertexAttribL1dv( GLuint ( index ) , const GLdouble *( v ) )-> void
glVertexAttribL1dv( index , v )
glVertexAttribL2d( GLuint ( index ) , GLdouble ( v0 ) , GLdouble ( v1 ) )-> void
glVertexAttribL2d( index , x , y )
glVertexAttribL2dv( GLuint ( index ) , const GLdouble *( v ) )-> void
glVertexAttribL2dv( index , v )
glVertexAttribL3d( GLuint ( index ) , GLdouble ( v0 ) , GLdouble ( v1 ) , GLdouble ( v2 ) )-> void
glVertexAttribL3d( index , x , y , z )
glVertexAttribL3dv( GLuint ( index ) , const GLdouble *( v ) )-> void
glVertexAttribL3dv( index , v )
glVertexAttribL4d( GLuint ( index ) , GLdouble ( v0 ) , GLdouble ( v1 ) , GLdouble ( v2 ) , GLdouble ( v3 ) )-> void
glVertexAttribL4d( index , x , y , z , w )
glVertexAttribL4dv( GLuint ( index ) , const GLdouble *( v ) )-> void
glVertexAttribL4dv( index , v )
glVertexAttribP1ui( GLuint ( index ) , GLenum ( type ) , GLboolean ( normalized ) , GLuint ( value ) )-> void
glVertexAttribP1ui( index , type , normalized , value )
glVertexAttribP1uiv( index , type , normalized , value )
glVertexAttribP2ui( GLuint ( index ) , GLenum ( type ) , GLboolean ( normalized ) , GLuint ( value ) )-> void
glVertexAttribP2ui( index , type , normalized , value )
glVertexAttribP2uiv( index , type , normalized , value )
glVertexAttribP3ui( GLuint ( index ) , GLenum ( type ) , GLboolean ( normalized ) , GLuint ( value ) )-> void
glVertexAttribP3ui( index , type , normalized , value )
glVertexAttribP3uiv( index , type , normalized , value )
glVertexAttribP4ui( GLuint ( index ) , GLenum ( type ) , GLboolean ( normalized ) , GLuint ( value ) )-> void
glVertexAttribP4ui( index , type , normalized , value )
glVertexAttribP4uiv( index , type , normalized , value )


Specifies the index of the generic vertex attribute to be modified.
v0, v1, v2, v3
For the scalar commands, specifies the new values to be used for the specified vertex attribute.
For the vector commands ( glVertexAttrib*v ), specifies a pointer to an array of values to be used for the generic vertex attribute.
For the packed commands ( glVertexAttribP* ), specified the type of packing used on the data. This parameter must be GL_INT_2_10_10_10_REV or GL_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV , to specify signed or unsigned data, respectively, or GL_UNSIGNED_INT_10F_11F_11F_REV to specify floating point data.
For the packed commands, if GL_TRUE , then the values are to be converted to floating point values by normalizing. Otherwise, they are converted directly to floating-point values. If type indicates a floating-pont format, then normalized value must be GL_FALSE .
For the packed commands, specifies the new packed value to be used for the specified vertex attribute.